Medical Grade Led Light Therapy
LED Light therapy utilizes specific wavelengths of light to target the body's cells and tissues.
LED Light is available in the Red, Green, Yellow & Blue light, and is available as a stand alone 45 minute treatment or is included in all treatments for 15 minutes.
For best results LED is recommended 3 times per week or as an add-on to facials.
Steam, Double Cleanse, Light Therapy 30 mins, and Hydration.
Duration: 45mins
Price: $60
Led Light Colour
Red lights wavelengths are the deepest in the skin, it stimulates collagen and elastin production.
Those proteins is exceptionally important for healing wounds, scarring, burns, sun damage & more.
Anti inflammatory; helps with redness, swelling and bruising.
Hydrating; dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis
And ultimately anti-ageing.
Blue light reduces activity in the sebaceous glands, so they pro use less oils that can plug the hair follicles, leafing to acne. therefore it:
⁃ Kills acne bacteria
⁃ Dries out excess oils in the skin.
This can help hyperpigmentation , brightening, and evening overall tone. Making it a great treatment option for those with pigment issues.
Yellow light is known for its calming and rejuvenating effects in the skin.
Exceptional anti inflammatory properties make it a great treatment for those with rosacea, and redness flushing. It also helps the lymphatic system remove toxins, which also make it a good treatment for wound healing, and promotes overall skin health.